Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jim Brandenburg movie Questions

1.)What was your Favorite picture and why?
My favorite picture was the one of the buffaloes at the very beginning. It looked neat because all the buffalo were all dark and sillhoueted against a sunset. he used rule of thirds by having the buffaloes down at the bottom of the picture not right in the middle and then the sunset spreading out behind them.
2.)Why did he take only one picture a day for 90 days?
He did this because he felt he needed to reconnect with nature, he thought that taking one picture a day would allow him to study nature and find beauty in it for his one picture that day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

my lines

I think that my lines photos were pretty good. I need to work on how to make them look more intresting and how to make my leading lines lead the eye more, I think my leading lines were not as strong.

5 photos using lines.
i like this picture becasue with the sun glinting off of the railroad tracks it brings your eye even more towards the lines that lead you into the distance.
i like this picture because the walls act as leading lines to lead you down to the end of the hall
 i like this picture becasue i like how the rays of light look. This is an example of real lines.
i liked this picture because of the way the lights looked. These lights in a row create an implied line.

i liked this picture becasue of the look and I like the texture the lines in the sand added.

My short and long depth of field

i think that my long depth of field pictures could be better. my pictures still come out some what blurred for the long depth and i need to work on focusing it more when im taking the picture. I think my short depth of field pictures are ok but there I could also work on getting the main object more focused.

3 long depths of field

 These three pictures used long depth of field because you can see farhter away from you but it is still in focus not hust whats up close. these used small aperture values like f/1.8 and f/2.8

Shallow depth of field 3
This used a shallow depth of field because the only thing in focus is the cats head which is up close to you the rest is all blurred. This used a larger aperture.

shallow depth of field 2
This used a shallow depth of field because the horses are in focus near you but the background farther away is all blurred. This would have used a larger aperture.

shallow depth of field 1
This photo would have used a larger aperture to get the shallow depth of field. probably around f/8

Friday, October 1, 2010

my stop motion

I think that my stop motion is pretty good. if i changed anything i would use a faster shutter speed than i ariginally did becasue it wasn't as sharp and frozen as it could have been.
I think that my motion blur picture was ok but it needed to have more light and more focused on the subject with the blur. i liked how i caught him in the air and the flapping of his hands

Blurred motion 3
This image had a slow shutter speed and no panning because the car is blurred.

Blurred motion 2
This photo would have used a slow shutter speed and panned as the dog was moving so that he was in focus and the background was a blur to create the effect that he is moving really fast.