Thursday, December 8, 2011

Assignment 2-My Choice Roll: Cale Elementary

I liked how my pictures from Cale turned out. I tried to use different good qualities like leading lines or haveing a persons head and shoulders above the horizon. I also like my action and motion blur pictures. One that I printed has a boy with motion blur as the center of intrest with other kids running towards me in the background. My second picture I really like, there was a little girl with crutches and she was sitting on the stairs of the stage and in the picture you can see in the background the other kids running. I think my printing is an 8 because I did a littke dodging and burning but on one I probably could have gotten better contrast if I'd used a filter.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Assignment 7:Ambiguous Portraits

This portrait doesn't look posed because they aren't looking or seem to be aware of the camera and it is just a normally walk down the street.

This picture doesn't look posed because the baby is totally focused on the puppies and the picture is just capturing that as a really good portrati even though the baby isn't looking at the camera.

This picture looks realistic because it just looks like the family is on a walk and even though the kid is looking at the camera it still doesn't look posed.

This portrait doesn't look posed because neither one is paying attention to the camera and it just looks like the photographer captured a really cute moment.

This picture doesn't look posed because it just looks like the man is walking down the road in his own thoughts not even thinking about the camera.

My portraits

In the first picture the negative space gives light behind the subject and frames him. I like that I have the one person and then the other one framed on the other side of the door. In this second picture the negative space around the subject isn't very simple but adds to the Thanksgiving feeling of the picture because of all the food things for preparation. Both of these portraits look real because in both the subjects are obsorbed in what they are doing and not paying attention to me at all.