Monday, January 2, 2012

Assignment 8:Studio lighting

This image is unique because it has the lighting coming from the side keeping the background dark and adding shadows to the subject while keeping its face light.

Learn Photography with Free Online Digital Photography Class (D263)
This image is unique because they used the studio lighting to create an outline of the subject keeping everything else dark.
Simple Lighting Secrets for Less (D233)
This image is different than some studio lighting pictures because you can see the reflection of the lights off to the sides of the main subject which also has a dark background.

Photo Shoot: One Light, Blank Wall, Beautiful Girl
This studio lighting picture is unique because unlike the others this one has a background that goes from dark to light and you can see the texture of the background. Also the lighting on the subject is different because the light slowly falls out to one side.

This image is unique because the background is dark the subject is really close up and focused and the light is coming from the side fairly close because the light begins to fade on the far side of the flower.