Friday, November 4, 2011

Assignment 1: 5 Photographs that stand out

This image by Steve McCurry stands out to me because it is very well taken and you are immediatly drawn to her eyes. First the womans face is framed by her shawl and second the photographer did a good job making sure her eyes stood out and were the focus of the picture.

This photo by Jos Mcnally stands out because it is a portrait but most portraits just have the person. This portrait is in an unusual place but has a great sunset in the background. This portrait has many layers, a great background, and good lighting.

This picture by Joe Buissink is another good portrait. There is an intresting backgroun that adds to the picture and the point of view adds a different element. The point of view isn't just straight o like some portraits, in this one the photographer is looking up at her. There is light coming from behind the bride keeping the focus on her.

This image by Steve McCurry is a great photo even though there isn't a lot going on. I like that the two people are framed by a car window and that clearly the boy is the center of intrest. He is framednot only by the window but also by the one holding him. Also the rain on the car windows adds a different look making the picture stand out to me.
This image by Edward Curtis stands out to me because it captures the aspects of these peopls culture and it frames the people. The people are well framed by the two statues which represent part of their culture .

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