Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Photo 2 roll 1

My first roll of film was a free roll at school. My subject was Caroline and the school garden in the back. My first two prints were both from the garden. My very first one I worked on was of a flower with the sun burtsing out in a star behind it. to actually show the star effect of the sun  I had to burn in about 28 extra seconds at the top of the picture. This really brought out the star effect. My second picture I didn't really change anything, no doging or burning. The second photo was of a grasshopper sitting on one of the flowers with the sun reflecting of its back. I think I shouldnt have stuck the grasshopper in straight in the middle of the picure and should have tried to get some of a background so it wouldnt be blank space without the grasshopper in the middle.

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