Tuesday, November 16, 2010

10 portraits

i like this portrait because it is very simple and there are no distractions in the background.

I like this portrait because it is really cute ande even though they arn't looking at the camera it still looks really good.

 I like this portrait because it uses rule of thirds and the wall leads you to her so you are drawn straight to her.

 I like this portrait because there are no distracting things in the back and its cute with them looking at each other.

 This portrait is good because its just the face but it has a lot of texture that makes it more interesting.

 i like this portait because it uses framing, the headware is framing her face and drawing the eyes to her face.

 i like this portrait because of the dark background and lighting that doesn't draw away from the kids.

See full size image

 i like this portrait because it uses the rule of thirds and the shadow on his face looks cool.

 this portrait looks good because the background is dark and the face has a lot of texture.

This portrait looks good because of the lighting and the lines make the picture loook good.

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