Wednesday, November 10, 2010

5 photos that convey a message

I think this photo portrays a feeling of peace. It looks like the baby is sleeping peacfully his eyes are closed and he has a smile.Also the soft look of the thing he is laying on helps give it the peaceful nice look.
I like this picture becasue of how the dog peers around the corner.The picture paints a message of intrest the dog looks intrested. With the dog looking from behind something and the way his eyes are adds to the picture.

 I like this picture becasue it looked cool. I think it shows a sense of danger. You see down the road and there are dark big clouds in the sky, and it makes it look like a darker photo.

I like this picture becasue of the fog rising against the stones . i think this shows an errie feeling. The fog with the dark rocks make it look this way.

 This picture shows dominance. The one dog that is standing over the one on the ground is showing dominance because the other one is submiting to him.

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