Friday, November 19, 2010

National Geographic Photographers movie questions

1.) 5 ideas that I noticed that would make me a better photographer.
            1.take pictures while in movement
            2.stop motion
            3.framing with different things
            4.leading lines with light
            5.interesting angles

2.)Favorite photographer and why.
my favorite photographer was Stanfield. I liked his approach because he uses many different points of view. his portraits of people are very intresting and he uses them and thier surroundings to tell about them.

3.) Favorite photograph and why.
my favorite picture was the lion with the sunset behind him. i liked it because he was the main focus and there was nothing distracting around it. I also like how you could tell the wind was blowing by the way his mane was shifted to one side and looked caught in the wind. I also like that the lion seems to be looking at you.

4.)photographs that helped reinforce ideas discussed in class. describe 2
      One of the pictures used rule of thirds by having a cougar slinking next to a log. the cougar was off to the side and that is using rule of thirds. Another idea is portraying a message which a lot of the portraits show by the people and their surroundings.

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