Thursday, November 11, 2010

5 photos using rule of thirds

 This photo is a good rule of thirds because the puppy is off to the side not right in the center making it a more intresting picture.

 This picture uses rule of thirds in a different way. It has a different object in each part of the picture and it looks better than just the rocks or water. I like how you can seee the rocks, water, mountains, and sky.

 i like this picture of rule of thirds because the eyes draw your attention because the arnt right in the middle and are dark. This picture uses rule of thirds twice by having the lamb off to the side and the eyes up on the focal point between middle and top.

 This picture uses rule of thirds by having the two horses to the side and not right in the middle. This makes it look cool and like the horses walked into the picture not a pose in the middle.
 this photo is simple but having the flower between middle side and bottom makes the pictur more intresting using rule of thirds.

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